Monday, January 18, 2016

I Have A Dream...

I have a dream and it seems an appropriate day to share.  I wish for all of the children in the world to be in happy homes, to know the love of a family, to have someone to lean on when life is tough.  I am sharing some of the kiddos that wait.  Please pray for families to have their hearts opened!  Prayer DOES make a difference.  If you are thinking, wondering, considering adoption PLEASE ask me questions.  I LOVE to share my passion.  I know there are many questions and happily share the good and the tough answers.  I would love to pray with you as you seek your role in loving these precious children.

AnnaBeth -

Aubrey -

Cassie -

Dianna -

Easton -

Elana -

Ethan -

Feonna -

Fern -

Grayson -

Haley -

Hannah -

Molly -

Nixon -

Tally -

Trace -

Winnie / Natalie -

Janessa -

Saturday, January 2, 2016

Coffee time ramblings...

Well break is almost over, it's probably best. I will miss the family time, but I won't miss all of the extra time looking at all of those faces of waiting children.

I've read that it is impossible to "unsee". Once you have seen their face, you can't forget. I have seen them, but I have also visited and held them. 

I think of all of those precious ones, just starting out life with no cuddle time. 

I think of the older ones facing their final year to find a family before they face life without the hope of ever having loving support. 

Then, I think of all of the forgotten in-betweeners, the faces I see year after year waiting for their chance. 

When I look at the faces of my six blessings now home it is too much. Are there difficult times? You bet. Does the good outweigh the bad? A million times YES!!!

Praying for families to be raised up to action! Praying for them to leap and discover what blessings await!!

Visit the Advocacy Site by clicking on the underlined words and choose some kiddos to pray for.  Let's see all of these kiddos come home in 2016!