Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Thankful for Some Movement!!

Well, goodness, just when I think I’ve learned the process they change it!  This may be our 5th and 6th adoption from China, but there was a recent computer update and they changed all of the steps to our LOA (Letter of Acceptance).  This is the BIG step!!  The rest of the process is fairly easy to predict, but this step…  Some people end up waiting an extremely short amount of time (50 days) and some end up waiting a really long time (over 120 days).  I can't imagine waiting that long to get my arms around these two!!!

They added some “intermediate steps” to this process.  The problem is, they were just added in the beginning of January.  There is not an established timeline for these steps yet.  As I told someone else in the process, we are the trend setters. ;)  Here are the intermediate steps, as we’ve been told.

  •  Registered  (The dossier has been logged in.)
  •  In Process of Translating (The dossier is in translation.)
  •  In Process of Review ( The dossier has been translated and is in review.)
  • To Be Matched (The dossier has been reviewed and will be transfer to the matching department.) 
  •   Matched (The family’s dossier has been matched with the child’s file and the Letter Seeking Confirmation will be issued next.)
  •  Seeking Confirmation (The Letter Seeking Confirmation has been issued.)

Our dossier was “logged in” (first step) on January 12th.  I asked two days ago, if we were out of translation yet.  Our social worker said they had not seen any movement, but would let us know when some occurred.  I was disheartened to say the least.  Then, I get an email this morning, “I have some great news.  The database shows that your dossier has moved through translation and through review so that it is now at "to be matched".  From this step, you will go through Matched Reviewed than to Seeking Confirmation.  At the end, your LOAs will be issued and we will be waiting for them in our office!”

Now, do I know how much time is left?  I so wish I had an answer.  Our guess is sometime in March.  The CCCWA (China Center for Children’s Welfare and Adoption) is closed for Chinese New Year (CNY) from February 18th – 25th.  This is their one BIG holiday!  I’m still holding out hope for a CNY miracle and to get those LOAs before the end of February, but I am SUPER thankful to have some movement!!!

Thank you for your prayers!!!  Please continue to pray for Greyson and Kristyn!  Pray that their sweet hearts are prepared for this HUGE transition.

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