Monday, July 6, 2015

Getting to Know Greyson

We are continuing with the acclimation and I realize how quickly this summer is going to go!  I realize that my blogging is not happening as regularly as I had hoped.   The days just feel so full.  

We have shared with many of you that Greyson is our biggest struggle.  He has so many delays.  It is tough to parent an 8 year old child with a 5 year old body, mind, and development.  We are having great difficulty determining what is a cognitive delay and what comes from years of institutionalism.  


I have recently uncovered these adorable photos of our little guy.  My heart aches for the 6.5 years he spent in an orphanage.  A place, that based on information from other parents and observations of our sweet little boy, was not the best place for a child to grow up.  

We have done all of the adoption training, read all of the books, joined all of the support groups... But, when it comes down to it... adoption isn't easy.  Especially, when it's a little boy that I "knew" so well.  I have watched endless videos of him, read numerous reports, and poured over lots of paperwork.  I didn't have any questions... I was positive that I knew exactly who Greyson was...  Then, I was handed this adorable little fellow that seemed nothing like the boy I had fallen in love with.  I struggled with this a LOT and it kind of came to a climax last week.  I began to wonder if I was the right mama for him.  Was there a mistake?  

We knew this journey was designed by God.  He had made Himself evident in so much of it!  So, asking this question was asking if God makes mistakes.  Does He?  OF COURSE NOT!!  I had to realize that God put Greyson in our family at just the right time.  I know that God gives us what we need, when we need it.  He knew that I needed a glimmer of hope.  We have had an amazing two days.  We have had interactions and fun with Greyson that I didn't think would ever be possible a few weeks ago.  I have seen that little boy that I fell in love with almost two years ago and fell more in love with the real version living in my home and heart. 

Thanks for your prayers!  We feel all of them!

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