Saturday, October 3, 2015

My Voice for the Waiting Child

I haven’t blogged in a while.  It’s so difficult to put all of my feelings down on paper.  My mind is constantly spinning these days.  I am thankful for the reprieve of work.  It gives me a few hours where my mind is less likely to wander to the helpless state I so often find it in.

I grieve for the orphan.  It is so hard and so consuming to have all of these precious faces circulating through your mind constantly.  There are so many beautiful children who need families to love and cherish them.  I love to be a voice for them.  My heart cries out for them.  I am beyond thankful for the opportunities that I am given.  We got to hang out with the staff of Chosen & Dearly Loved (the organization that gave us a matching grant allowing us to bring home Greyson and Kristyn).  They listened to our story and documented some moments with our family.  We are praying that this inspires more people to adopt and others to support them financially.  A former youth group student, who is now a youth pastor himself, has given us another opportunity to share our hearts.  His church is doing a series on adoption and he has invited us to come and speak to his youth group.  I love that God is giving us so many opportunities to share!!

I will continue to scream from the mountain tops what a blessing adoption is!  However, once you’ve adopted there is no going back.  There is no “unknowing”.  I know what an orphan is.  I’ve seen them, touched them, held them, and cried for them.  There are 6 amazing chosen children running through my house, stopping for hugs, and begging to be picked up and held and kissed.  They just want to be LOVED!

PLEASE pray for those kiddos waiting!  PLEASE search your heart and think about how you can be involved!  God asks us to care for the orphan.  Can you pray?  Can you give?  Can you serve?  Can you adopt?

Here are just a handful of the MILLIONS that wait...

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