Wednesday, September 28, 2016


We received TA today!!
Our CA (Consulate Appointment) was confirmed as well!  This means our entire trip is determined.  I leave in TWO WEEKS!

October 12th - Fly to China
October 13th - Arrive in Beijing
October 14th and 15th - Tour Beijing
October 16th - Fly to Emilyn's province
October 17th - MEET EMILYN!!!!
October 18th to 20th - Tour her province
October 21st - fly to Guangzhou
October 22nd to 26th - tour Guangzhou, medical visit, Consulate Appointment
October 27th - fly home

WOW!  It will go so fast only being in China for 2 weeks! It's been 5 years since we've only adopted one kiddo and had a shorter stay.

It feels like this journey took forever, because I just missed a couple of lightning fast approval rounds.  However, we still made AMAZING time!

January 11th - saw her face for the first time (requested the file on the 12th) - only 8.5 months ago
January 26th - finally received an update
February 26th - LOI finally submitted! (Lots of pre-submission paperwork) - only 7 months ago
March 2nd - Received Pre-Approval from China (officially started)!!

This is truly one of the quickest adoptions!  Only 9 short months from seeing her face for the first time to holding her in my arms!  WOW!! GOD IS GOOD!!!

Thursday, September 22, 2016


We are at the LAST STEP!!

Our Article 5 was picked up from the US Consulate today (actually last night).  This paper lets the Chinese government know that the US will issue a visa to Emilyn so she can come home.  She doesn't become a US citizen until she sets foot on US soil.  So, she travels home on a Chinese passport with a US visa.

This paper is overnighted across China to CCCWA in Beijing.  Now, we are officially waiting for TRAVEL APPROVAL!! :)

We have to have this important piece of paper to set our Consulate Appointment.  Once that is set, everything else is scheduled backwards from that point.  We are PRAYING that we get Travel Approval (TA) on Monday or Tuesday of next week.  This will give time for the Consulate Appointment to be made before everything in China closes down for a week due to National Holiday.  IF we can get a super quick TA, I could leave on October 12th and Emilyn could be in my arms on October 17th!!  Thank you for your prayers!! :)

Saturday, September 17, 2016

Introducing: My Travel Buddy



God is in the details, all of them! When we realized that there was another little one waiting for us in China, we quickly determined that I would be traveling without Mark this time. We have a large number of kiddos with very diverse needs and Mark needs to stay home and support them. I decided that the perfect travel partner would be my mom. It would be a life-altering experience and she will have 7 grandchildren from China. She has never flown in a plane and was unwavering in her absolute determination to never fly. I was devastated. I couldn’t figure out what God was doing, it seemed like the perfect plan.
I then realized that an adoptive mama that we traveled with on our last trip would be a great travel partner. Her beautiful daughter was from the same province as Emilyn! Her wonderful family agreed to let her travel with me and live without her for two weeks. It started to make sense. However, her husband’s job could require him to travel away at a moment’s notice. This would mean that we couldn’t be certain if she would be able to go or not. Once again, I couldn’t figure out what God’s plan was.
After hearing the news that this other adoptive mom wasn’t a guarantee, Mark and I both felt that we needed to explore other possible travel companions. Then, Mark and I had the same immediate thought! We knew right away who the perfect travel partner would be! This amazing woman supports us in so many ways! She has visited, prayed for, encouraged, and loved on our family ever since we met in July of last year. Every family I talk to, who has met this woman, completely falls in love with her. Her love for the Lord shines through and draws you in. We knew she was the perfect solution, but would she be able and willing?
We presented our idea to her and she asked us all to pray about it. We did and… SHE SAID YES!! My travel partner is the amazing, Catherine Theriault!!! We are so excited. Mark and I both know that she will be a wonderful blessing on this trip and a way for her to experience the international adoption process like never before. She, through the organization she works with Chosen and Dearly Loved, has impacted so many families in bringing their children home through grants and so we thought, what better way for her to experience the joy of helping by seeing a child be united with a family for the first time! We are so excited to be on the journey literally together in China!
Please pray for us! Pray for me as I work hard to attach to Emilyn and form those early bonds in China. Pray for Catherine as she has to deal with an emotional mess (me). We would also ask that you pray for our impact on China. We want to feed love into the children we meet that are still waiting, the guides that we spend time with, the Chinese people we cross paths with, and the other adoptive families that travel at the same time.


My journey with the amazing Anderson family began shortly after I started working with Chosen & Dearly Loved over a year ago. I had the blessed opportunity to go and visit them to do a video of their story and immediately fell in love with Mark and April and there are eight amazing children. Two of which have a very special place in my heart because we helped to bring them home with an adoption grant. April's passion for orphan advocacy is unmatched and she is one of my heroes so when I had the opportunity to go and spend the day with them again I jumped at the chance. There is something so incredible about this family and I was so blessed when they shared with me that they were adopting again and that I was one of the first people they told . I was honored beyond belief! As the months went by I looked for their adoption grant application and was so pleased to be able to make the phone call to share that we were indeed ecstatic to be walking with them on their journey to bring Emilyn home. It is with absolute elation that I share this incredible news! Because One of them needs to stay home with the kids and of course April is obsessed with all things China they have asked me to be April's traveling companion to go to China. As I prayed about this incredible opportunity to walk in the footsteps of all of our adoptive families I was overwhelmed by the reality of how this will impact me and the cause of orphan care for the rest of my life. Please join me in prayer as I embark on what I know will be a life-changing experience. Here we come Emilyn!


GOD IS ABLE!!!!  When we began this journey, despite our efforts to work extra, scrimp spending, and obtain a loan, we knew we would be short of the funding we needed.  I knew the amount we needed, but it was such a large amount.  I worried about announcing the amount… What if God didn’t provide?  What if we didn’t get funded? I prayed a lot and realized that too often our doubts set limits on what God can do.  So, I decided to ask for prayers that God would provide the full $15,000 we needed.  I set to work filling out more grant applications than I can count.  You all supported us with prayers.  The grants started to come in: $1000 from Rollstone, $3500 from Gift of Adoption, and $1000 from Families Outreach.  Then, we learned that Chosen and Dearly Loved had given us a $4500 matching grant through Lifesong.  We realized that if we could raise $5000, we would have met our $15,000 goal!  We watched, prayed, celebrated, and danced with joy as that number grew and grew!!  It is through tears of utmost praise and thankfulness, we announce that WE ARE FULLY FUNDED!!!!  So many of you through donations and prayers, helped us reach $15,000!!  GOD IS ABLE!!!

Friday, September 16, 2016

An Amazing Fundraising Update!

Check it out...

We are so very close!

Only $205 to reach our matching grant!  $705 and we will be fully funded!

Would you like to help?

Tuesday, September 6, 2016

Funding Update #2

We received an official regrets letter for the Show Hope Grant. That's okay, because God has provided!

  • We have taken out a loan, taught summer school, and made other cuts to pay $21,000 in adoption costs.
  • God blessed us with 3 grants totaling $5500 that went directly to our agency to cover adoption costs.
  • We received a matching grant for $4500. That means we get $4500 IF we raise $4500. We are hoping to raise $5000, giving us a total of $9500 from Lifesong.  Currently, we still need to raise $2665 to reach our goal.

This would mean our adoption costs are covered. Please know that when we say fully funded, we are not implying that we don't intend to do our part. We have sacrificed to pay more than half of the total cost. A friend and I are traveling to make it as affordable as possible as Mark stays home with the kiddos. 

We thank each of you that have given, no matter the amount! It all adds up and means SO much!!! THANK YOU!!

Saturday, September 3, 2016

Funding Update!

When we started this adoption, we knew that it would stress our finances.  However, we also knew that God was asking us to step out on faith and trust Him.  Knowing that it was important to do our part, we made some sacrifices.  We have been blessed in various ways, as noted in another post I wrote, and have been given opportunities to have the money to start this journey.  We also took out a loan to help cover a big portion of the cost. This adoption will end up costing just over $36,000.  We knew that we would be $15,000 short of covering the cost.  I decided early on to set my expectations high.  I decided to trust that God would provide this amount, though I struggled with setting a lower (more easily attainable) goal.  Then, I set to filling out grant applications.  This was a full time job and took hours (I am so thankful I had the summer to work on these).

God always provides!  We have been blessed with 4 grants!  Three of these grants were received in full.  The fourth grant is a matching grant.  We will get the funds IF we raise an equal amount.

Rollstone Grant - $1000
Gift of Adoption Grant - $3500
Families Outreach Grant - $1000
Hoping to Raise - $5000 (currently $2160)
Will be Matched - $4500 (currently $2160)
TOTAL = $15,000!!!

Can you believe it??  Well, of course you can!  God provided!  He provided the exact amount we needed!  Now, comes the work.  In order to reach this and be fully funded we need to raise the remaining $2840.  We have a little over 2 weeks to do this. Am I nervous?  No, God always provides.  However, I am praying and sharing.  Thank you so much to the many sponsor partners we already have!

Are you able to help us out? Remember your gift is DOUBLED!  If you give $20, it becomes $40!  If you give $45, it becomes $90!!  Donations have become easier to give.  We now have a direct link, so you can know your donation will make it to our account.  We also get immediate notification. :)

Click on
Click the "Donate Now" button
Enter the amount you wish to donate
Fill in the other information

IF you would rather not make a donation online, you can always mail a check.  Please let us know if you choose to do this, then we can be on the lookout for it and make sure it makes it to our account.  We had one that didn't make it due to a wrong account number and were able to fix this, because we knew to look for it.

Please make checks payable to: Lifesong for Orphans
In the MEMO LINE, be sure to write (Preference 6216 Anderson)
Mail check to:

Lifesong for Orphans
PO Box 40
Gridley, IL 61744
I think Emilyn was filling out grant applications too! ;)