Saturday, September 3, 2016

Funding Update!

When we started this adoption, we knew that it would stress our finances.  However, we also knew that God was asking us to step out on faith and trust Him.  Knowing that it was important to do our part, we made some sacrifices.  We have been blessed in various ways, as noted in another post I wrote, and have been given opportunities to have the money to start this journey.  We also took out a loan to help cover a big portion of the cost. This adoption will end up costing just over $36,000.  We knew that we would be $15,000 short of covering the cost.  I decided early on to set my expectations high.  I decided to trust that God would provide this amount, though I struggled with setting a lower (more easily attainable) goal.  Then, I set to filling out grant applications.  This was a full time job and took hours (I am so thankful I had the summer to work on these).

God always provides!  We have been blessed with 4 grants!  Three of these grants were received in full.  The fourth grant is a matching grant.  We will get the funds IF we raise an equal amount.

Rollstone Grant - $1000
Gift of Adoption Grant - $3500
Families Outreach Grant - $1000
Hoping to Raise - $5000 (currently $2160)
Will be Matched - $4500 (currently $2160)
TOTAL = $15,000!!!

Can you believe it??  Well, of course you can!  God provided!  He provided the exact amount we needed!  Now, comes the work.  In order to reach this and be fully funded we need to raise the remaining $2840.  We have a little over 2 weeks to do this. Am I nervous?  No, God always provides.  However, I am praying and sharing.  Thank you so much to the many sponsor partners we already have!

Are you able to help us out? Remember your gift is DOUBLED!  If you give $20, it becomes $40!  If you give $45, it becomes $90!!  Donations have become easier to give.  We now have a direct link, so you can know your donation will make it to our account.  We also get immediate notification. :)

Click on
Click the "Donate Now" button
Enter the amount you wish to donate
Fill in the other information

IF you would rather not make a donation online, you can always mail a check.  Please let us know if you choose to do this, then we can be on the lookout for it and make sure it makes it to our account.  We had one that didn't make it due to a wrong account number and were able to fix this, because we knew to look for it.

Please make checks payable to: Lifesong for Orphans
In the MEMO LINE, be sure to write (Preference 6216 Anderson)
Mail check to:

Lifesong for Orphans
PO Box 40
Gridley, IL 61744
I think Emilyn was filling out grant applications too! ;)

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