I see this quoted so often in adoptions. Did you know that
the context of this verse is financial?? It’s not always used for the financial
aspect, but it probably should be. That is the reason most often given for not
pursuing adoption. The financial obligation seems to hold people back. I get
it. I think most of us struggle with spending $30,000 to $40,000. But wait… we overcome the hurdle if we feel
there is reason to, if it’s something we need.
We need housing. We need transportation. We often end up taking a loan for
these needs.
Well, you may not know it, but I think you NEED adoption. Yup,
you need it! It will teach you so much about the love God has for you. I see it
so often in my kids.
- When they do something wrong and you just want them to ask for forgiveness.
- When they are facing a natural consequence and it hurts your heart.
- When they give you an eye roll and tell you that you don’t know anything.
- When they lie and you try everything to get them to admit the truth.
- When they get hurt and you try to make it better.
I’ve learned that it doesn’t matter if my children are
biological or adopted, the feelings are the same. My heart is theirs, it hurts
when they hurt and soars when they are happy. Then, I realize that this is the
way God feels about me, His adopted child. How much greater is our Heavenly
Father’s love for us? I’ve learned so much about His immense love for me. It
plays out before my eyes everyday.
Also, they NEED adoption. Yup, they do!
I’ve heard some say this is a “savior mentality”. Well, GOOD! I hope so!
Mentality is defined as the characteristic attitude of mind or way of thinking.
I certainly hope that my way of thinking aligns with my Savior! He asks us to
care for the least of these. He asks us to be His hands and feet. He loves these children and wants to see them
in families. And, these children do need saving! If you don’t believe this, you
haven’t seen them, you haven’t been in an orphanage, you haven’t seen them
pulled from a foster home where they were thriving, you haven’t heard the
stories of what they’ve endured, you haven’t held them while they told you
about the past. If you don’t believe this, you don’t understand that their
current situation (as good as it might be) is not forever. Without adoption, their
future is one full of challenges and no support system.
YES, you can do ALL things through Christ. He does give you
strength. Strength to get through the paperwork. Strength to find the funds
necessary to bring them home. Strength to meet their needs. Strength to love
them when they are hard to love (because there will be times, we are too
You CAN! You NEED to! ADOPT!!
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