Friday, August 11, 2017

Bailing the Boat - An Analogy for the Orphan Crisis

Some days the orphan crisis weighs heavier on my heart than others. It is, however, an ever present burden on my mind.  Today was one of those days, as I once again delved into the current statistics and attempted to make sense of it all. A good friend made the perfect analogy. She stated that it was like trying to bail a boat with a gigantic hole using a Dixie cup. WOW! That really does put it in perspective and give credence to the well-meaning excuses I so often hear.

We need to focus on fixing the hole (family preservation). This one is impossible to argue with! It IS important to work with families to maintain them. We need organizations that will help fund medical needs, cutting down on parents making the impossible decision between giving a child up or watching them die/suffer. We need groups that will teach proper parenting skills. Children are stuck in the foster care system waiting for their biological parent(s) to understand how to care for them better with little to no help.
HOWEVER: EVEN if the hole does get repaired, there is still a TON of water in the boat! I pray that we can help preserve and repair biological families. That does not address the millions of children that are currently waiting for a family of their own. There is still a GIGANTIC need for families to consider and pursue providing a loving home for one of the many that do not have that experience.

One Dixie cup isn’t going to make a difference (overwhelming, why bother). It does feel this way! No one family is going to end the orphan crisis! (Trust me, I think hubby has decided I am trying to do this.) When you realize the vast number of children without families caring for them it can feel like too large of a need to ever fill.
HOWEVER: IF everyone bought into this view, the water would never get out of the boat. If no one chose to adopt, then no children would be home. You can make the biggest difference ever in the life of one child. This one child will experience love and life that would never have been felt if you didn’t dive in and start bailing.

There are already people over there bailing out the boat (I’m letting other people, who are “called” to adopt). I hear so often about the “call to adopt”. It is commonly stated that not everyone is able or should feel it necessary to adopt. That certain individuals are exempt simply because they do not feel it is meant for them. Deciding to go into the ministry begins with a calling. However, that does not exempt the rest of us from ministering to others. I was not called to be a pastor, but I do have the responsibility to share Jesus with others through my interactions. IF you do not feel the call to adopt, make sure that you are finding a way to care for the fatherless as this is a responsibility.
HOWEVER: ONLY a few Dixie cups will never empty the boat. MANY Dixie cups would!! The only way to reverse the orphan crisis is for more families to rise up than the number of children orphaned. Every 18 seconds a child becomes an orphan.