Monday, July 9, 2018

My Challenge to you!

I want to start with a story. I want to begin by leading you down the path that ruined and wrecked me.
It all started when I fell in love with this beautiful, little girl. I watched her transformed by love. She had been waiting for a long time. Pictures of her appeared often on different agency lists.

Over a relatively short time, a change could be seen. She began to look more somber, listless, and withdrawn. Reports of her giving up and failing to thrive began to surface. We tried even harder to find her a family, but they never came.

There was hope, however, the amazing Grace Village chose to bring her to their home. We watched as the transformation took place. We watched as she started to smile, learn, move, and come alive. Love transformed the once lost soul to a sweet girl full of promise. We continued to work on finding her a home. Then, the unthinkable happened. 

The children of Grace Village were recalled. Forced to return to their orphanages with no warning or time for preparation. This little girl was devastated. She was back where it all began, and she didn't understand why this had happened, why her world had been turned upside down. We watched in horror as the updates slowly came in.

I cried for weeks over this girl. My heart was broken in two. Truth be told, I often find myself still weeping when I allow my mind to wander to her. She has taken up residence in my heart and is a huge reason that I advocate. She is the reason that this all seems so much worse. I KNOW what it looks like to be wasting away while waiting.

More and more I hear of foster homes being forced to close or children being recalled back to their orphanages. It seems that no one is exempt. I've seen what this does to the children. I know how their hearts must be breaking. I also think about the kiddos that never get out. The children that spend everyday of their lives in the orphanage and then age out.

So, I'm challenging you. I don't want you to simply consider adoption, I want you to choose adoption. James 1:27 tells us, "Pure and genuine religion in the sight of God the Father means caring for orphans and widows in their distress and refusing to let the world corrupt you." Don't fall into the trap of thinking this doesn't apply to you. If there is one lesson I have learned in all of this, it's that the only way to truly keep them safe is adoption. Foster homes aren't forever. Perfect orphanages do not exist, even the "good" ones are not family or forever. The only thing I can think of that would keep you from qualifying is age. So, if you are over 64, please choose a child and pray for them, support a family that chooses adoption, give to a foster home that is working to love children. The rest of you, ADOPT! Let's talk! I will help you find the country, money, agency, anything I can do. Did you know that adopting from foster care is very low cost? Did you know that each country has a different set of qualifications and if you don't qualify for one, it doesn't mean you won't qualify for another? Did you know that regular people (like a teacher and preacher, trust me we aren't rich) have adopted many times over? These children don't have time for you to figure it all out. ADOPT! I challenge you! All of you!!

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